Sunday, February 01, 2009


In which the mole would like to have a word with you.

P.S. I love how Widdowson writes disparagingly of Aboriginal people as having "not developed the skills, knowledge, or values to survive in the modern world." That's funny since most of us in the Not-Stupid-o-Sphere are familiar with that condition -- we call it "Wingnut Welfare," and it is most commonly associated with useless wankers who depend heavily on the bountiful largesse of right-wing think tanks to keep them in Cheetos and adult diapers.

Oh, wait.

1 comment:

Ti-Guy said...

I love how Widdowson writes disparagingly of Aboriginal people as having "not developed the skills, knowledge, or values to survive in the modern world.

She obviously hasn't looked at the modern world recently, at least the one that confronts WASP'y wingnuts and how they're handling it. Ain't too pretty.

That was a riveting discussion over at the Stageleft and I highly recommend the link to Gerald Taiaiake Alfred's scathing review of Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry. It almost make you want to buy the book to see if it's as awful as he relates.