Sunday, October 05, 2008

Let's ask Steve!

Why is it necessary for our best and brightest men and women to be subject to this:

when the actual commanders on the ground are saying this?

I guess the best thing to do would be to ask the Prime Minister that. But he isn't taking questions these days -- after all, he's got an election to win, and that's not gonna happen if he spends all his time telling Canadians what he thinks.

Okay, well, what does their platform say?


I'd call him an idiot, but he's still leading in the polls, so I think we know who the real idiots are.

1 comment:

LuLu said...

Feh. Big Daddy doesn't need a platform -- platforms are for losers. And socialists. And Islamohomofemicommieveganfascists.

So there.