Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dear Taliban: If you want Stephen, just follow the trail of urine.

In which the square-jawed, steely-eyed Stephen "Captain Canada!!" Harper promises to protect us all from the evil terror of Islamojihadiswarthypeopleism from somewhere beneath his favourite desk.

Just follow the pathetic whimpering; you can't miss him.


Scanner said...

The Mop and Pail sed:
They handed out a schedule for Sunday that has no time set aside for talking to the approximately 20 reporters who are accompanying Mr. Harper on his campaign.
I sez "What are all those 'journalists' doing on the Harper Xpress if he won't talk to them? I say they leave the plane and go follow someone who will talk to them, Like Dion, May or Layton. What are they? Toolz?
...Oh, right"

Balbulican said...

It appears Mr. Harper has learned the first rule of holes.