Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Yeah, about that "difference," Bill ...

Isn't Intelligent Design advocate William Dembski just adorable when he's being optimistic:

FIRST-PERSON: The difference 'Expelled' will make

... The unwashed masses, in which I place myself, will love the film. Ordinary people, who often pay the Darwinists' salaries through their tax dollars, will rightly be incensed. They'll see that enough is enough: They will no longer be bullied by a Richard Dawkins, who tells them that if they don't subscribe to Darwinian evolution, they're either stupid, wicked, ignorant or insane. They will start demanding that evolution be taught honestly -- warts and all. And young people will be encouraged to take up careers in science to restore its health and integrity...

Expelled's impact will be felt immediately. But its long-term impact will be even greater. The film opens with documentary footage of the Berlin Wall going up and closes with it coming down. The day Darwinism and Intelligent Design can be fairly discussed without fear of reprisal represents the removal of a barrier even greater than the Berlin Wall. When future intellectual historians describe the key events that led to the fall of "Darwin's Wall," Ben Stein's Expelled will top the list.

And then there's reality. Thanks for coming, Bill. Say hi to all the life forms on your home planet for us.

: The most amusing bit of Dembski's literary offal is the very first paragraph:

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--Ben Stein's new movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" opens this weekend in theaters. It explores the widespread persecution -- destruction of livelihoods, careers and reputations -- of scientists who doubt Darwin's theory of evolution and think intelligence is needed to explain life's origin and development.

But that's not what the movie is about, is it? As most reviewers have pointed out, the film doesn't even define the term "Intelligent Design." And, alarmingly, Dembski curiously never mentions the amount of time the film spends equating Darwinism with Nazism. Really, if you knew nothing about "Expelled" except for Dembski's piece before going to see it, you'd swear you must have wandered into the wrong theatre, given how dishonestly Bill represents its contents.

One has to wonder whether Dembski even saw the film before praising its utterly non-existent virtues.


toujoursdan said...

They are promoting the heck out of Stein's movie on CBC Newsworld. It's in nearly every commercial break.

If their attendance figures remain as low as they have been, it's not for lack of trying (or playing with peoples' minds by making it look like a comedy or something.)

Zorpheous said...

William Dembski is research professor of philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is interviewed in "Expelled."

A Philosophy Prof from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary,... oh ya, there's a credible science source. Personally I always talk to Garbageman about Medical problems I have too,... you know, just for an expert second opinion.

Seriously there should a law against these twits.