Saturday, July 05, 2008

Go for it, Neo ... what could possibly go wrong?

Blogging Tory "Neo Conservative" makes an interesting suggestion:

What do I think would happen, Neo? Well, I figure GG Jean would simply ignore the vast majority of what would be illiterate screeds from yobs who wrote "your" instead of "you're" and "looser" instead of "loser," that sort of thing.

But her security personnel might take a special interest in "pissed off" emails from anonymous bloggers who seem positively obsessed with violence and appear to spend most of their time following the police reports and delighting in the violent deaths of Toronto's minorities.

Yeah, I'm betting those e-mails might get extra care and attention. So go wild, Neo. Let us know how that works out.

Stephen Taylor's Blogging Tories: Because Canada's creepy stalkers and harassers need somewhere to call home.


Cameron Campbell said...

Would these be the same people who referred to the Queens representative to Canada as "voodoo princess"?

Gosh I hope they do write in.


Frank Frink said...

With any luck at least 30 thousand of the 50 thousand e-mails will start with some variation of 'Go back to Haiti where you belong'.

Oh wait, luck will have nothing to do with it.

M@ said...

I'm sure Neo's own e-mail would have great impact, because he uses bold and italic to such startling effect.

Anonymous said...

The decidedly racist bent of comentary being directed at the Commander in Chief of late is highly disturbing, and not likely going to garner much favour amongst the troops for the "Support the troops" crowd in this case.

The GG is well respected amongst the rank and file. She is a woman who has taken personal risk to be with the troops when she can in Afghanistan, and she has been a well spoken representative of not only us, but also the Queen and Canada as a whole.

I was unsure of this CBC reporter before (I am loath to have to pay for the CBC) but in her tenure, many of us (I can not speak for everyone) have come to respect her deeply, and enjoy her visits when she can make it.

Personally, it is a pleasure to talk to this woman, my Commander in Chief, and the Queen's representative here in Canada, I hope to meet her again before her tenure is up.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

I doubt that Kneel Con gives a sideways shit about this issue anyway. He's probably just shilling for his team.

I could be wrong here, of course. But normally that can't happen.

Raphael Alexander said...

Hey Jeff, long time no see.