Saturday, May 17, 2008

Simple answers to simple questions: May 17, 2008.

Question: True Blue Blogging Tory Joanne asks: "Should MPs [like Vic Toews who is "embroiled in a messy divorce after fathering a child last fall with a much younger woman"] be held to a higher standard?"

Answer: Well, Joanne, when part of your history involves getting an award from the Christian Heritage Party for "defending the family," then, yes, Joanne, we have every right to hold you to a higher moral standard.

This has been another installment of "Simple answers to simple questions."


Ti-Guy said...

Oh, this is rich; full-bodied, heady, and moist.

Check out our gal MaryT over at TrueBlew:

If Vic did father a child, while married to another, didn’t Trudeau do the same.

Novel use of the if...then construction, I must say.

Red Tory said...

What hypocritical douchebags.