Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jason Kenney, you stupid, ignorant, retarded fuckwit.

Via the CBC:

In a testy exchange with Conservative MP Jason Kenney, Dallaire suggested by failing to treat Khadr as a child soldier, Canada has sunk to the moral equivalent of terrorists.

Kenney pointed to a number of al-Qaeda actions, including an incident in which the group allegedly outfitted mentally challenged young girls with explosive belts and sent them to their deaths in a Baghdad animal market.

"Is it your testimony that al-Qaeda strapping up a 14-year-old girl with Down Syndrome and sending her into a pet market to be remotely detonated is the moral equivalent to Canada's not making extraordinary political efforts for a transfer of Omar Khadr to this country?" asked Kenney.

And for balance, someone who isn't a stupid, ignorant, retarded fuckwit. Because, here at CC HQ, we are all about presenting both sides of the story: the stupid side, and the other side.

AFTERSNARK: The fact that Conservative MP Jason Kenney is a retarded fuckwit should be obvious from the simple fact that he couldn't even repeat that debunked hoax correctly. From the original (emphasis added):

Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a military spokesman, said the women used in the Feb. 1 pet market bombings had been identified as residents from the northeastern outskirts of Baghdad who were in their late 20s or early 30s.

And yet here's Kenney, hanging out in whatever alternate universe he inhabits, regurgitating a bastardized version in which two young women "in their late 20s or early 30s" have magically morphed into "a 14-year-old girl."

Normally, I'm not a fan of physical violence, but if someone would please take Jason Kenney out to the parking lot and beat some sense into him with a tire iron, that would suit me just fine.

THE PARADE OF THE FUCKWITS CONTINUES, with Blogging Tory Mike McGuire making an ass of himself, and getting gently corrected by commenter "Greg."

At this point, I need a phrase more demeaning than "retarded fuckwit." I'm open to suggestions.

... and tediously on. Retards, the lot of them.


Jay said...

I'm sure the left leaning media was all over this falsehood like rabid chiwawas on a burrito.


Anonymous said...

Jason Kenney, you stupid, ignorant, retarded fuckwit.

What more could you say?

It just shows what kind of lies those imbeciles believe.

Purple library guy said...

Phrase more demeaning . . .
Vegetative maggotweevil?
Pustulent brain tumor?
Scrofulous, slackjawed flatulence eruption?

Francis Walsingham said...

CC = Canadian Coward