Sunday, May 18, 2008


What a smegging retard.


I don’t know if you’re a mother or not but if you are, you’re a cold hearted *****. Adoption is not a simple thing to do.

I really hate to say it but in this instance, CC’s correct and you’re out of your tree on this one Joanne.

The rain of frogs should begin any minute now.

HEH. Indeed.

BY THE WAY, as hard as it might be to believe, there's one more point worth making here. Having had every single argument of hers savagely disemboweled, pissy, hypocritical whiner JoJo is reduced to complaining about the fact that the malpractice settlement is being subsidized by the taxpayers. But why is that? Actually, fat fuck Dr. Roy provides the explanation:

In Canada, doctors self insure. We have a non profit company called the Canadian Medical Protective Association. We all contribute to the fund based on risk levels of specialty. OB/Gyn is among the highest level of risk.Most provincial governments now heavily subsidize the contributions to the fund as a way to keep doctors in Canada. So it is the CMPA who will pay, it is all doctors and the governments that are the source of the money.

Ah, so that's how it works. Normally, you'd think that a malpractice lawsuit would be an issue between a doctor and his/her insurance company. But here, apparently, the medical profession has pressured the government into coughing up more $$$$ in order to simply keep them around.

How droll. In other words, the medical providers first blackmail the government into covering malpractice cases with taxpayer money, whereupon stupid fucks like JoJo -- having this explained to them -- respond thusly:

Aha. Thanks Dr. Roy.

So in the end, it’s the taxpayer that pays for these court costs, right?

Yes, JoJo, it's the taxpayer that pays -- but only because the doctors demanded that that be the case. So who exactly is responsible for the taxpayer being stuck for part of this bill? Come on, JoJo, think hard ... it'll come to you.

Oh, who am I kidding? That woman is such an unspeakable idiot, she couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

P.S. While these intellectual dropcases are whinging on and on about how unfair it is that the taxpayer is stuck footing part of the bill for this settlement, let me humbly suggest that the simple solution to this would have been if the doctor in question hadn't fucked things up in the first place. So if we're looking for someone to blame, I'm thinking the culprit in this case is sort of obvious. Except to drooling imbeciles like JoJo and Dr. Roy.


Red Tory said...

Wandering down the back-alleys of Joanne’s demented imagination is always a pointless journey to some fantastically stupid destination.

Dana Hunter said...

CC, there's a pale horse munching grass outside my window. I'm on the third damned floor, and the grass in in a windowbox. The bloody horse is standing in mid-air. What the hell's going on?

-Oh. I see Richard Evans agreed with you.

Sigh. Guess I'd better get ready to loot me some Xian houses once the buggers have been raptured.

Red Tory said...

"dr. roy" is pretty sure the case will be "appeaked" — so there!

CC said...

Yes, RT, I'm sure it will be, but here's where it's going to get educational -- let's count how many of Canada's wankers think the judgment should be appealed, and how many think the mother doesn't deserve any financial support.

Because, as we all know, those dumbshits are all about the children ... unless it involves getting a modest financial settlement that allows a mother to raise her new kid properly, at which point she's just an irresponsible, unfeeling monster who shouldn't get a fucking penny because some of that's going to come from the taxpayers, so fuck her and her financial difficulty and her injured husband and her squalling brat.

Now if we'd been talking about a fetus, well, that's different ...

P.S. We already know that JoJo is an uncaring bitch since she's already made it clear that the only thing that matters to her is that the taxpayers are getting hosed for this. The fact that a child is involved? Fuck that.

Yeah, I think we've pegged JoJo pretty accurately by now.

Ti-Guy said...

Without better information, I never consider these explanations of how taxpayers end up financing something seriously at all. First all, we all pay...for everything. We pay Dr Roy's income, we pay for the medical treatment Joanne gets, we pay for the schools she sends her squalling brats to, we pay for the roads she wears out driving her SUV...Christ we even pay Mark Steyn's upkeep whenever we buy a product advertised in any Rogers media.

It's the proportion here that should be an issue (if it's even an issue at all), and I'm sure it's completely negligible.

It's not an essential argument at all and anyone who ventures it seriously is being manipulative.

JoJo BlewTrue is stupid, but not that stupid. What she is is profoundly dishonest, spiteful and mean-spirited. Someone needs to photoshop that Tory Glory picture again and splash "I wish These were Ethics" across that great rack.