Friday, May 09, 2008

Dear Frank:

The inaugural edition of the Mesopotamia West Book Club is hilarious.

While I’m not entirely sure this is the impression you were after, I, for one, think it was a rousing success. If, you know, by success, I actually mean an insane rollercoaster ride through the BT theatre of insanity masquerading as your mind.

Keep up the good work. No, really.

Yours in perpetual amusement,


Balbulican said...

So hard to choose, but I think the most ... errr....Mesapotamian paragraph was this one:

"Cookson is not alone, indeed she is one of thousands of authors, such as Jane Austin and Charles Dickens, who have humble heroines and heroes rise from obscurity to prosperity. And not just English authors; consider the tale of Aladdin."

Indeed. Aladdin. Just so.

(Do you suppose "Jane Austin" was a relative of the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen?)

KEvron said...

i've got you beat, bal:

"The good professor has clearly not read Catherine Cookson."

afterall, what prominent sociologist doesn't refer to romance fiction when drafting a thesis.

i'm surprised he didn't add horatio fucking alger to his list....


M@ said...

I dunno if there are any other Wodehouse fans hanging around here, but I can just imagine Lord Mesopotamia there being a real fan of Rosie M. Banks... sounds like "Only a Factory Girl" would be right up his alley.

M@ said...

Oh, and by the way:

If wealth prevented crime, there would be no white-collar criminals.

The profound idiocy demonstrated in this sentence is almost perfect. It's as though he is on the brink of understanding that his entire post is bullshit, and in preference to seeing that, he's poked himself in the eye.

Simply beautiful.

Frank Frink said...

he's poked himself in the eye

Preferably with a very sharp pointed stick.

M@ said...

Preferably with a very sharp pointed stick.

It would be the sharpest thing in his head if that were the case.

mikmik said...

I lean towards crime fiction for my facts, and there are lot's of well to do childlings with excellent family that turn bad, very bad.

That said, I also use art to glean insight into sociology, and if that classic 'Dog's Playing Poker' is as popular as it is, that's because lil puppies are hooligans and thugs. Yeah? Well who would be insensitive enough to glady bring your paper to you, knowing full well PMS's face might be on page one?

Evil, I tell you.

Rev.Paperboy said...

m@, not even the inimitable Jeeves could manage to make Frank look sane -- the man makes Bertie Wooster look like Sherlock Holmes. Tune in next week when Frank equates Barbara Cartland's latest bodice ripper books with the Illiad, Hamlet and Pilgims Progress and wonders why President Bush doesn't send Superman to get Osama Bin Laden.

sharonapple88 said...

That said, I also use art to glean insight into sociology,

And you can use it for historical insights too.

Fairy tales have stories of poor orphans marrying princes because of fairy godmothers, and poor men like Aladdin finding fortunes in magic caves. People were able to raise their standard of living more in the past. Problem is that we have that magic gap.