Saturday, May 03, 2008

As God is my witness …

I have no problem admitting that I’m too afraid to click HER link. And not in the way I’m afraid to click PSA’s links because I’ll end up with some repetitive, deliciously bent Korean anime stuck in my head. I’m afraid our gal SUZANNE’s “fetus art” (eewwwwwww) might scar me for life.

And just so you know, I like to think that we here at CC HQ provide an important public service in that we read Teh Crazy so you, our oh-so-brilliant-yet-terribly-pottymouthed commenters, don’t have to. But I’m not taking the hit on this one — while I might love you guys, I don’t love you that much.


Reality Bites said...

But unless you follow the link we'll never learn whether fetus art refers to:

1) Artistic renditions of fetuses
2) Artwork made of fetuses
3) Artwork made BY fetuses

Assuming it's number 1, one feels compelled to point out that logically:

1. If fetuses are children (SUZANNE's claim)
2. and depictions of fetuses don't portray them with clothing.
3. ergo SUZANNE is distributing child pornography.

Ti-Guy said...

3. ergo SUZANNE is distributing child pornography.

This conclusion is inescapable. If SUZANNE's reasoning weren't so situational, she'd be compelled to agree and would turn herself in.

KEvron said...

derivative, self-indulgent and sickeningly sentimental. if that's art, then billy ray cyrus is a maestro....


Red Tory said...

Those were pretty crappy paintings. But I suppose artistic merit gets thrown under the bus given the subject matter which appears, as ever, to be the only thing of relevance to SUZANNE. Good lord, existence must be an awfully dire undertaking when “unborn” fetuses are the be all and end all of your interests in life. What a joyless misery she must be in person.

Ti-Guy said...

What a joyless misery she must be in person.

I remember my mother crying over images of aborted fetuses back in the day; it's all part of being a proper Catholic woman. But she eventually moved on and devoted a lot of time to caring for women who'd decided to keep their babies, rather than continue on a pointless crusade. She also did come to the realisation that the anti-choice movement, filled with a bunch of angry racists, misogynists and homophobes, was more life-denying than anything else.

Red Tory said...

There's certainly not much that seems be affirmative about it. Like pretty much everything on the SoCon agenda it's just another anti... They're anti-everything which is why, quite perversely, they chose the "pro" life label. With those folks you can always be assured that up is down, black is white and whatever they purport to be is precisely what they're not.

Unknown said...

I hear "fetus art" and I think of this, which I watched develop from early sketches.

It's certainly much cooler than that trash.

Unknown said...

Looked at some of his other stuff, it's not so bad. Certainly better than the post OMGWTFSUZANNE linked to. Mind you, that one with the tiger and the frog...

Perspective, motherfucker, did you study it?