Monday, May 05, 2008

Apparently, virtues are for other people.

"Gay and Right" Blogging Tory Fred gets all misty over the crunchy goodness that is Israel:

Israel's Gift to the world...

A nice piece by Alan Dershowitz...

As Israel celebrates its 60th birthday, the world should recognize the enormous gifts the Jewish state has given the world. Israel has exported more lifesaving medical technology to the far-flung corners of the earth than any nation of comparable size. It has done more to protect the environment, to promote literature, music, the arts and sciences, to spread agricultural advances and to fight terrorism within the rule of law.

Israel has created a legal system that is the envy of the world, with a Supreme Court that is open to all with few, if any, restrictions on its jurisdiction. As America's most liberal Supreme Court Justice William Brennan observed when he visited Israel in 1988:

"It may well be Israel, not the United States, that provides the best hope for building a jurisprudence that can protect civil liberties against the demands of national security. For it is Israel that has been facing real and serious threats to its security for the last 40 years and seems destined to continue facing such threats in the foreseeable future. The struggle to establish civil liberties against the backdrop of these security threats, while difficult, promises to build bulwarks of liberty that can endure the fears and frenzy of sudden danger - bulwarks to help guarantee that a nation fighting for its survival does not sacrifice those national values that make the fight worthwhile."

So, if I'm reading this correctly, then advancement of the arts, environmental stewardship, charitable compassion and a strict adherence to the rule of law are all good things? When did all of that become the objects of Blogging Tory admiration? I clearly slept through that fascinating metamorphosis.


Dana Hunter said...

It only counts as admirable if Israel's doing it. If godless secular bastards not living in the Holy Land promote those virtues, then those virtues are obviously icky and should be ridiculed.

That seems to be the pledge they sign when they join up.

Lindsay Stewart said...

"to fight terrorism within the rule of law"

i'd like to see what law that is exactly. does that include annexing great swathes of your neighbour's territory, displacing populations and engaging in acts of mass civilian punishment? i suppose within the law could also be something to do with the law that never quite reaches them, like the string of international sanctions against israel's actions that have been quashed at the u.n. by the u.s.a.

Ti-Guy said...

Rest assured that all those nuclear weapons Israel doesn't have will ensure that the fun won't be stopping anytime soon.

Adam C said...

PSA: They do lots of terrorism fighting within the rule of law. And outside the rule of law. It's not either/or, it's both!

Only Dershowitz...