Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Whoa ... someone's running out of patience.

Apparently, someone is tired of trying to get a straight and unambiguous answer out of Suzie All-Caps:

SUZANNE, when will you ever answer my question? I have asked you each and every time you have commented here on this topic in the past year.

You have never once responded. Perhaps you consider it beneath you to speak with "pro-death" people. I consider it the main question, since I suspect you are in fact pro-death.

Do you, or do you not, support or condone the tracking down and murdering of abortion doctors?

Yes or no?

I know your other blog identities. Let's get a definitive answer from you once and for all.




Let the weaselly weaselitude begin.


Jay said...

Can we all turn that thread into a popcorn event?

Jay said...

Wow, this is too easy. These people don't think things through, do they? So easy to just follow their claims and desires to the eventual outcome and when you point that out, well, you're the bad guy.

What interesting people. I think I shall taunt them some more.

Red Tory said...

I have little sympathy for “Liberal Supporter”… He pointlessly whiles away the days relentlessly taunting complete fucking morons and poking them with sticks and yet at the same time seems quite pleased to play a pleasant game of footsie with them, but gets a little miffed when they refuse to play along.

Oh well. Too bad… so sad.

The results of lying down with dogs are well known.

Jay said...

This will be fun for a few minutes. I'll probably forget about that blog later today and I won't ever go there again until CC mentions the latest outrageous dumbfuckitude, which should be on some sort of predictable schedule by now.

Jay said...

So if there is a consent form this post is entirely a bunch of fetal worship? Congratulations for coming up with that conclusion yourself, Jojo, that actually shows a lot of maturity.
Hmmm, that had to have left a mark. Joanne isn't too quick.

Red Tory said...

I see JoJo is moderating her comments on this one. Too much uppity opposition, I guess.

Here was my comment (likely to be deleted):

Curse that darned "science" and its pesky liberal bias!

You really have to love this comment from the Jo'ster.

W.S. - Thanks. I think that's the closest to any scientific evidence that we've seen here so far today.

Of course that doesn't mean that abortion is totally without risks. The Pro-choice camp seems to minimize it in my opinion - especially emotional issues.


Translation: Of course scientific evidence (that I can't be bothered to read) that distinctly contradicts the bullshit I'm spinnin here, doesn't in any way dissuade me from my opinion that abortion is EVIL.

Somena Woman said...

What's really bizarre is, having been a birthmother and "saved my fetus" -- the only people who have ever gotten nasty with me about my choice to preserve life and go through adoption have been from conservatives and quite nasty they were. To the point of making fun of my biological offspring.

See in Conservative World, if you disagree with them, everybody in your life is fair game for attack.

That's been my experience.

Oddly nobody on the left has had boo to say to me in a negative fashion about the adoption process.

If you ask me, it all comes down to the Snogging Bories being obsessed with interferring with the decisions of other people whom they wish to control, and the left trying to stop this busy-body approach to life against women.

Red Tory said...

That’s because these so-called “social conservatives” aren’t “conservative” at all. They’re they absolutely worst sort of meddlesome, curtain-flicking, nosy-parker, busy-bodies and social engineers imaginable.

E in MD said...

Oddly nobody on the left has had boo to say to me in a negative fashion about the adoption process.

Precisely, and why would we? The position on the left is for you to make your own choice. Whether that choice is abortion, adoption, abstinence, contraception or whatever you still have the right to make those choices. The position on the right is that you ( no matter who you are ) are a completely immoral, evil, idiot victim of society because you have a uterus. Therefore you must be controlled and if you will not go willingly they have harassment, violence, propaganda, terrorism, guilt trips, preachers, lobbyists, lawyers, lies and activist judges in their arsenal to 'educate' you. Really it all boils down to control. If you control the reproduction of the species, you rule the species.

...interfering with the decisions of other people whom they wish to control, and the left trying to stop this busy-body approach to life against women.

By Blogger Somena Woman, at 7:12 PM

Yeah pretty much.