Monday, February 11, 2008

Irony, thy name is "dumbass."

Blogging Tory "Climbing Out Of The Dark" really wishes we could return to the days of a civil discourse:

I am tired of juvenile, disrespectful ranting from the lefties ...

On the other hand, COOTD wants you to know that feminists are pigs:

I'm fairly sure you can figure out the unintentional hilarity from there, right?


E in MD said...

Interesting. I just love the calls for civility from the wingnut crowd. It is especially amusing since they have no civility to offer on their own. For example that twatknocker that said it was ok to make fun of fat kids because ther'd be less fat kids later ( all while her wattle was flapping in the breeze).

I am completely fed up with trying to be civil with this bunch of sociopaths. I tried for the longest time and was called everything from 'terrorist enabler' to 'terrorist' to 'godless heathen' rather. I've been told that I am not an American because I refuse to call French Toast 'Freedom Toast'. I've been ridiculed because I think journalistic integrity is more important than demagogic bullying and mockery ( I'm talking to you OReilly! ).

Why? Did I blow up a clinic wherein babies were adopted? Did I shoot a doctor educating young women? Did I force my way out of a free speech zone to protest? Did I show up with a megaphone and a sign that says "Thank God for Dead Soldiers"?

No. It was because I had the audacity to hold differing opinions than people on the right. Because I love my country enough that I believe the law should apply evenly to everyone even those in power and those with vast wealth.

But instead of having civil discourse and reasoned discussion I am called libtard, leftie, and told I am destroying my nation. My opinions are mocked and the knowledge that I bring to the table are discarded as the nation burns around me.

So you know what. Fuck them. All of them. Fuck them and their calls for civility. Fuck them with a raging dildo made of freedom toast and lost emails, and discarded civil rights.

Red Tory said...

“Hunter” (whose avatar is, quite appropriately Elmer Fudd) is about as massively stupid as they come over there in BT-Land.

Ti-Guy said...

I agree. She's stupid...and whiny.

The Seer said...

Now you know why the American right hates St. John McCain. He has a mouth like a sailor.

Red Tory said...

Seer — Gee, that was one the things I actually liked about McCain.

JJ said...

That woman is so cataclysmically feeble-minded I'm not sure how she autoambulates her way around safely without full body armour and a helmet.

Migraine-inducingly stupid.

Ti-Guy said...

Seer — Gee, that was one the things I actually liked about McCain.

That's because you've become desensitised to vile cursing....from watching Question Period, I think.

Sample dialogue (from Hansard):

MP1: Slut!
MP2: Who's a slut?
MP3: Mr. Speaker, the Honourable Member just called me a slut!

The pomp...the majesty...the historical gravitas. Don't you just love it?

JJ said...

Alberta Girl issues a challenge:
"Tell me what - in the left's mind -the conservative government has done that has NOT earned your respect."


Are there enough hours in the day?

Ugh, pass the tylenol-3s.

Red Tory said...

"cataclysmically feeble-minded"... there's a keeper.