Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Holy fuck, the anti-choice stupid!

Even when you're used to the mind-numbing idiocy, you can still be astonished (emphasis added):

The truth about abortion - from someone who's been there

Today's National Post features a letter by Denise Mountenay, who is founder of Canada Silent No More, a website dedicated to helping women who have experienced emotional trauma resulting from abortions:

I had abortions when I was younger. I was lied to about fetal development and told it was just a clump of tissue. As a young vibrant woman, independent and aloof, it was made to be a quick, easy out. I had no idea my babies had a beating heart by three weeks, arms, legs, fingers and toes by eight weeks. My so-called "safe and legal" abortion landed me with an infection, damaged cervix and badly scarred uterus. Doctors never told me about the 28 studies linking breast cancer to induced abortion.

You. Must. Be. Kidding.

Ignore all of the other unforgivable stupidity and illogic, and just appreciate that JoJo is still riding that fraudulent "abortion causes breast cancer" link.

And these are the people who suggest that they want to have a serious and civil discussion? Sure ... the day Satan ends up ice-skating to work.

I'll let my readers disembowel the rest of JoJo's inanity. One line, no pushing -- there's plenty to go around.

: It's amusing to listen to the argument that, because some women end up regretting their abortion, the logical consequence is to make them unavailable for everyone. But that logical construction never seems to stray terribly far from the topic of abortion.

One wonders why these same retarded yobs who want to protect women from the potential psychological effects of abortion are not at least as concerned about the possibly far more drastic consequences of totally elective cosmetic surgery, particularly if it ends up like, say, this. And yet, curiously, those members of Canada's Wingnut Patrol who are so shriekingly concerned about the mental anguish of women who chose to have an abortion are, to the best of my knowledge, utterly unconcerned about cosmetic surgery fatalities or other disasters.

One would think the same logic applies in terms of "choices" and "regrets" in both cases but, strangely enough, it never seems to work that way, does it?

Go figure.

: As much as I have work to do, I can't resist deconstructing that National Post letter, sentence by sentence:

I had abortions when I was younger.

"Abortions"? As in plural? More than one? How ... fascinating. One would have thought that, after the first abortion, Ms. Mountenay would have had the sense God gave a box of cat litter and taken precautions. Of course, those would be the same kind of precautions that allegedly "pro-life" pharmacists would prefer not to dispense, so it's not clear what Mountenay's options were. But it gets better:

I was lied to about fetal development and told it was just a clump of tissue.

I'm sorry ... you were "lied to," Ms. Mountenay? You had more than one abortion and yet you were apparently too fucking lazy to either take precautions or to do even the most basic reading to learn how all of that physiology works. And you want to blame other people? I think not. But here's the capper:

As a young vibrant woman, independent and aloof, it was made to be a quick, easy out.

So, to recap, Ms. Mountenay is too stupid or too lazy to take precautions against getting pregnant, she has more than one abortion which is generally described contemptuously by your typical pro-lifer as "using abortion as a method of birth control" and, finally, she quite clearly terminated those pregnancies so that they wouldn't interfere with her devil-may-care, vibrant, independent and aloof lifestyle.

In short, Ms. Mountenay's behaviour during all of those pregnancies and abortions is exactly what the anti-choice movement so despises -- the indifference to birth control, followed by a cavalier abortion on demand so as to not inconvenience her lifestyle; rinse and repeat.

Gosh, under normal circumstances, yapping dingbats like JoJo would be absolutely venting with anger at Mountenay and her irresponsibility. But now that she's had her revelation, why, she's just a heroine. Isn't it funny how that happens? From villain to saint in one epiphany.

Now that's what you call convenient.

P.S. I would, of course, be remiss in not pointing out that it's the very people who are perpetually whinging on about "accountability" and "personal responsibility" who, when it comes to abortion, absolutely refuse to take responsibility for their own choices. Your choice, your consequences. Stop crying and deal with it. Whiner.

OH, LORD, this just gets better and better. Fetus-fetishist JoJo, in her post, points out that Mountenay's letter is a response to an earlier op-ed by Dr. Garson Romalis. After going on about Mountenay's heart-wrenching emotional trauma, JoJo's entire contribution from Romalis' op-ed is:

...I can take an anxious woman, who is in the biggest trouble she has ever experiences [sic] in her life, and by performing a five-minute operation, in comfort and dignity, I can give her back her life...

It's obvious that JoJo is selectively jerking at the heartstrings with Mountenay's story, while apparently trying to paint Romalis as an unfeeling, opportunistic baby killer. But one wonders why JoJo didn't print other portions of Romalis' piece such as, oh, this:

I had been a medical doctor for 32 years when I was shot at 7:10 a.m., Nov. 8, 1994. For over half my life, I had been providing obstetrical and gynecological care, including abortions. It is still hard for me to understand how someone could think I should be killed for helping women get safe abortions.

I had a very severe gun shot wound to my left thigh. My thigh bone was fractured, large blood vessels severed, and a large amount of my thigh muscles destroyed. I almost died several times from blood loss and multiple other complications. After about two years of physical and emotional rehabilitation, with a great deal of support from my family and the medical community, I was able to resume work on a part-time basis. I was no longer able to deliver babies or perform major gynecological surgery. I had to take security measures, but I continued to work as a gynecologist, including providing abortion services. My life had changed, but my views on choice remained unchanged, and I was continuing to enjoy practicing medicine. I told people that I was shot in the thigh, not in my sense of humour.

Gollee, you'd think that that might be an important part of JoJo's insufferably whiny blog post -- that while Mountenay is all shook up and remorseful, Romalis was the target of an attempted murder that nearly killed him. But best not to mention that, I guess -- that might make Mountenay's relentless complaining seem not so significant by comparison.

Poor little abortion victim? Big story. Almost-murdered abortion provider? Not so much. Some seriously fucked up priorities there, JoJo, wouldn't you say?

ONCE MORE INTO THE FRAY: Now that commenter Ti Christophe over at JoJo's has pointed out that there is no abortion-breast cancer connection and even left a link for substantiation, it should be entertaining to watch how whimsically the airheads over there dismiss it. And they will dismiss it, of course -- God forbid that one of them actually responds with, "Hmmm ... I wasn't aware of that, I'll look into it."

Not much chance of that.


Jay said...

Actually, and this causes me much pain to actually admit this: There is the possibility of a link between abortions/miscarriages and breast cancer. The hormonal changes that occur during the 9 months of pregnancy to the female body, most specifically the breasts and the changes required to produce milk, lay a ripe field for cancer, possibly.

The theory does deserve further unbiased research, but no final conclusions should be drawn on the pathetic research that has been done so far.

As well, the fear of breast cancer shouldn't even be a consideration when a woman is trying to make the choice about an abortion.

Oh, and the heart beating thing? Not so much. The "mass of tissue that is going to eventually become a heart" does start to beat, but thats it. It does nothing.

But really this is just more fetus fetishism, so what is the point debunking it?

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Where do I go to join "Canada Shut the Fuck Up"?

I can't quite put my finger on when the period of silence was supposed to have begun. One doesn't even know where to begin hitting these people.

JJ said...

Jay - If hormonal changes are all it takes to lay a ripe field for cancer then we're all screwed, assuming we've gone through puberty.

This so called "link" has already been debunked so many times, by so many experts, to do it any further would be to lend it undeserved credibility.

Of course, that won't stop the fetus fetishists from lying about it.

E in MD said...

There is the possibility of a link between abortions/miscarriages and breast cancer. The hormonal changes that occur during the 9 months of pregnancy to the female body, most specifically the breasts and the changes required to produce milk, lay a ripe field for cancer, possibly.

There is also a link between having breasts and breast cancer, which is more substiantiated than the claim that abortion is linked to it.

Oh, and the heart beating thing? Not so much. The "mass

By Blogger Jay, at 9:50 AM

Culture some cardiac cells in a petry dish. Once they reach a certain level of maturity, they will start to beat. That doesn't make the cells in the petry dish any more deserving of full rights and citizenship.

Of course, that won't stop the fetus fetishists from lying about it.

By Blogger jj, at 10:42 AM

And of course short of them all being deported to another country or raptured away, nothing will.

Ti Christophe said...

a quote from concerning the breast cancer thingy:

"National Cancer Institute convened an expert panel to analyze these studies. It concluded that abortion did not affect breast cancer risk."

yeh, i think, the NCI is a kinda an authority on the subject ( and

Prole said...

I'm surprised Mountenay didn't bring up the abject suffering of the baby daddys who are now so depressed and guilt-ridden over her past abortions that they've become impotent.

LuLu said...

Look who shows up to lower the IQ level even farther in JoJo's comments ... SUZANNE!!!

At Wed Feb 06, 12:40:00 PM EST, SUZANNE said…
The state already controls our bodies. It controls what we ingest. It controls whether we wear a seatbelt or a helmet. It controls what we can or cannot wear outside.
There is a right to control a body if the result is a dead human being.
The whole "controlling women's bodies" meme is a strawman the purpose of which is to take away the focus of the humanity of the unborn child.
If it were an adult shrunken and injected into a uterus, nobody would argue that the woman had the right to kill him. The argument is about the status of the fetus, not the woman's body.

As God is my witness, I have no idea where to go with her shrunken adult argument. I'm stumped.

Sheena said...

Do the Catholics believe that Jesus is still alive after you poop out your digested communion wafer on Monday morning?

JJ said...

Prole - "I'm surprised Mountenay didn't bring up the abject suffering of the baby daddys..."

I'm surprised she didn't bring up the abject suffering of Ed Snell, hapless victim of pro-choice violence.

CC said...

Personally, I'm still confused as to the cause of this intense, emotional trauma. After all, if you regret having had that abortion, then just get pregnant and keep this one.

What's the problem? Jeezus, it's like you have to explain everything to these people.

Mike said...

If it were an adult shrunken and injected into a uterus, nobody would argue that the woman had the right to kill him.

Actually I would still argue the woman has a right to kill him. And I did in my recent post on the subject.

A woman's (or a man's) bodily integrity and her ability to control it trumps the life of another person. Period. I am not required to give up a kidney or bone marrow against my will, even if it means certain death of another person. Thus, my right to bodily integrity and control trumps the other person's right to life. I have no qualms with killing someone who has invaded my body.

See LuLu not that hard. Of course, I'm sure Suzanne will not have to worry about a shrunken adult "injecting" anything into her body.