Friday, February 08, 2008

Another page out of the Republican handbook.

I wonder if Big Daddy and his band of merry, partisan wingnuts ever have an original thought? From today’s Globe and Mail (emphasis all mine):

The Conservative government introduced a motion Friday to extend Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan and immediately declared it a confidence matter — a move that sets the stage for a showdown with the Liberals and a possible spring election.

Government House leader Peter Van Loan said the motion follows the Manley Report recommendations predicating the future of the mission on additional military equipment and 1,000 NATO reinforcements.

The motion would extend the mission by almost three years, to the end of 2011.

"It requires other parties to make a simple decision," said Mr. Van Loan. "Either you support the military mission in Afghanistan or you don't."

Riiiiigghhhtt. Any minute now, they should be trotting out “The friend of my enemy is my enemy” ... and my personal favourite “If you don’t support the mission then you don’t support the troops”.

Or have they used those already? It’s just so hard to keep up with the talking point du jour.


Noni Mausa said...

Let's just have an election already, and stop allowing Canada's New Consurvative Patry to "do a Quebec" on the rest of us. This business of constantly saying, "Do what we want, or we'll have an eee-LEC-shun! and nobody wants an eee-LEC-shun, do they?" I'm sure they picked up from the PQ Long Goodbye, and it's dishonest and aggravating and boring. Drop the writ already.


Robert Sim said...

I think even the dimmest of Americans these days understand that if you 'support the troops' you'll vote to end the war. That kind of rhetoric is soooo 2004.

E in MD said...

I think even the dimmest of Americans these days understand that if you 'support the troops' you'll vote to end the war. That kind of rhetoric is soooo 2004.

By Blogger Robert Sim, at 12:35 AM

I dunno dude. Americans are pretty fucking stupid. I mean shit, we elected Bush twice and it it weren't for the 22nd amendment the fucktards i share a country with would probably elect his ass again.