Friday, January 11, 2008

Ever the optimist, isn't he?

Awwwwwwww ... isn't Paul adorable?

While the resulting gains made by the surge and Sunni "awakening" are encouraging and hard to deny, there is still lots of work to do in Iraq. Many American soldiers will still die before it's over.

Add to this the fact that any misstep could easily send Iraq back into a downward spiral, so we'd best be advised to be only cautiously optimistic ... at best.

This sounds vaguely familiar ... oh, right:

Once again, take it away, Rich Lowry:

Join us next year, when we can start recycling these posts all over again.

AFTERSNARK: There's something delightfully predictable about the constantly diminishing expectations of the citizens of Wanktopia. Once upon a time, the invasion of Iraq was going to be a cakewalk, it would be over in weeks (months at the most), it would cost only $1.7 billion, hardly any troops would be killed, Iraqi citizens would be lining the streets to throw flowers at the feet of the American invaders, the overthrow of Saddam would be a harbinger of freedom and democracy taking hold and spreading throughout the Mid-East, yadda yadda yadda.

And nowadays? Well, it's a struggle but, by gosh, we're getting there, just another six months or so, and how dare all you unhinged, deranged, leftist moonbats deny the inevitable victory over the Islamojihadifarians. And all the while, the goalposts get moved further and further back, and they hope no one notices.

Apparently, yesterday's statements are inoperative. Quelle surprise.


Red Tory said...

so we'd best be advised to be only cautiously optimistic

Has he got a mouse in his pocket?

Ti-Guy said...

I love how Pappy doles out the considered advice. He's such a giver.

Thank God my father can't work a VCR, let alone a computer.

E in MD said...

Yay! Freidman units for everybody!

That guy said...

Once upon a time, the invasion of Iraq was going to be a cakewalk, it would be over in weeks (months at the most), etc.

And of course, back then it would have been sheer treason to say the sort of things that they themselves are saying now. Phrases like "downward spiral" would have been seen as appeasement, sympathy for the enemy, dhimmitude, or whatever the favourite term of the week happened to be.

counter-coulter said...
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counter-coulter said...

From the National Review cover you posted:

Mark Steyn on Multiculturalism

Abso-freakin-lutely hillarious! Are you sure they didn't lift this from The Onion?

Ti-Guy said...

Breaking: "Conservative Party of Canada pays staff to troll with racist and obscene commentary."

counter-coulter said...

And speaking of Mark Steyn -- yeah, I know, horrible segue -- SadlyNo has this bit of hillarity. I'm still rolling from the pictures.

Ti-Guy said...

Isn't Steyn something else? If he says "I'm Mark Steyn," I'd still fact check his ass.

I think I'm going to indulge in imprecatory prayer in hopes that the World will soon be delivered from Mark Steyn.

Hey, it worked on Jerry Fallwell.