Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Try to keep up, Brian. Seriously.

Blogging Tory Brian Lemon has a case of the vapours over the Angry, Angry Left:

Lemon: When Wingnut Bloggers Go Bad

THIS is as bad as it gets.
I feel effin fortunate to only have to deal with Reddie, Cynic and Jeff Davidson.

Good girl, Brian. Now maybe you'll notice that the date on that hysterical screed by Michelle Malkin is July 8, 2006. Nice try, Brian, and thanks for playing.

P.S. One of Brian's commenters, some nondescript, yappy poodle named Dan Mansbridge, opines:

That canadiancyntie fellow is a certified sack of nuts, thank allah he plays on the other side of the tracks.

I'm guessing that passes for wit where Dan hails from. My, but those two deserve one another, don't they?

AFTERSNARK: I'm amused by Brian's suggestion that it's such a backbreaking chore to have to "deal" with me -- that would be me, an anonymous blogger who (as best I recall, but I could be wrong) has never, ever left a single comment on his blog.

Man, but those BTs are a bunch of fragile pussies, aren't they?


Simon said...

I could buy that Brian has to "deal with" you in the sense that he is a member of the like-minded Blogging Tories, where a critique on one is a critique on all.



Nah - he's probably just a gibberish-talking idiot.

Red Tory said...

Shouldn't Lemon have pointed out to Dan the Man that he was indulging in a Reductio ad hominem logical fallacy?

Adam C said...

Gee, and the last post you made about Brian was actually complimentary...