Monday, October 16, 2006

And then a miracle occurs ...

Proud To Be Canadian's Doug Giles (yes, that Doug Giles) insists (despite no one actually asking him) on explaining how to raise girls that "pimps and thugs will hate" which, if I can boil it down to a few salient keywords, involves training them how to be rebellious, independent, kick-ass, visionary, classy, hard-working intellectuals who won't tolerate bullshit and, by the way, still know how to get down and have a good time when the weekend comes.

I'm trying to figure out how this explains PTBC's Sheila Wray Gregoire. I'm thinking Dougie missed a step somewhere in that explanation.


T. Comfyshoes said...

At first I was thinking, wow, a conservative with his head screwed on straight.

And then we get to point #5 and it's all frakking eeeeew! Be refined and dainty so you can land a man? Not to mention "Girls have now been liberated to be just as vulgar as men are. Girls, don’t try to be as base as us. We suck."

But really, it's feminists who hate men. Where was that BS detector he's so proud of?

Anonymous said...

Why, VD, if you're not a Christian, how are you going to be a good father?


Anonymous said...

When his first two ideas start with being combative and pugilistic, the idiot clearly has no clue.

The latter half of his reasoning boils down to resurrecting the old "madonna/whore" contradiction that has plagued women in western nations for centuries.

I've got an even simpler solution (that doesn't involve anybody's particular notion of scripture): Teach people to be independent, self aware people.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's two minutes of my life I'm never going to have back.

Once again I have been betrayed by my liberal impulse to give someone the benefit of the doubt on the off chance that, in spite of being a wingnut, they might actually have something insightful and interesting to say.

Really, the ad in the right margin for Ann Coulter's "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" should have tipped me off.

And if not that, than certainly point #2, "Teach them to shoot guns".

Stuborn as always, I persevere to point #3, "Teach them how to sense BS", and think "oh, well maybe he's going somewhere with this after all". Except that Giles doesn't seem to have any concrete ideas on how to impart such an arcane talent. Now I'm begining to think that like many of his ideological brethren Giles is rather long on lofty platitutes and short on specifics.

An impression unfortunately not dispelled after reading the other points (#6, 7 and 9, on despising anti-intellectualism and embrassing visionaries and hard work) which might have some merit.

I can't help but notice the only point where Giles actually offers specific advice -presumeably because he actually has some personal experience- is #8, "Teach them how to party".

Like that's a skill that only comes to your average teenager with difficulty.

By now I have no right to be surprised that Giles seems oblivious to the contradiction between his final point #10, "Teach them the importance of traditional convictions", and his previously enunciated point #3, "Teach them how to sense BS", and point #4, "Teach them how to rebel".

The real Doug Giles makes a fleeting appearance in point #5, "Teach them how to be classy", as Comfyshoes suggests, but for me this is the money quote: "Therefore, be prettier, daintier and more honorable—and we’ll conquer the planet for you."

See, in the proper divinely ordained order of things guys go out and conquer the world, and their pretty, dainty womenfolk cheer them on from the sidelines.

Cause it's nothing personal, it's just that you're only a girl.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

He forgot the most important lesson - teach them who to vote for.