Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well, I'm glad we settled THAT.

Apparently, you can't dislike Joe Lieberman without being virulently hateful and anti-Semitic. Kate McMillan and the Wall Street Journal say so.

Of course, if you prefer not to be an ignorant douchebag like Canada's Crazy-Assed Racist Redneck, you might want to read Steve Gilliard to understand why so many Dems despise that wretched little quisling Lieberman.

Be ignorant. Or don't be ignorant. The choice is entirely yours.


Somena Woman said...

Of course, nobody will point out to KKKate that Lieberman is one of the main reasons that Bill Clinton failed to be impeached/convicted back in 1999.

First she's "likin' Warren Kinsella more and more" every day, now she's "standing up for that asshole Joe Lieberman" --

Like I said,for most BTs Sept 11th is like the Cambodian Year Zero.

Dumping Lieberman is the best thing that the Democrats could ever do!

Scotian said...

Of COURSE one has to be anti-Semitic to be against Leiberman, there can be no other possible reason when you believe that Bushco is doing all the right things. To be able to accept the premise that there are other reasons besides irrational hatred and bigotry to oppose Leiberman you must accept that there is something inherently wrong involved with Leiberman's history of giving Bushco and the GOP cover during the last five years.

It looks like Kate is yet again more interested in liking anyone that may hurt progressives and the policies they believe in than she is in anything remotely resembling integrity. Not like I find that much of a shock given some of the things I have seen her write, particularly her guide to new bloggers where she made it clear that it is more important to be sensationalist than it is to be factually accurate especially since you can go back and edit things after the fact to make things factually accurate. Between that post a year or two back and the rather nasty personal attacks she has made on some of her critics (MWW as one rather infamous example)and the rather blatant anti-aboriginal sentiments she espouses from time to time I have no problem understanding why some refer to her as "KKKate" or "Hate".

Leiberman has time and again placed his own ambitions and ability to be seen as influential with the GOP/Bushco crowd over the interests of his party. He has time and again been to "go to" man for FOXNEWS when they need a Dem that stands with the President so as to claim the party is divided and therefore inept and not to be trusted especially with National Security. There are so many legitimate political reasons to be opposed to Leiberman that only a truly delusional person uninterested in anything other than the fictions they find comfortable could believe this is driven by anti-Semitism.

No wonder Kate thinks this.

Anonymous said...

David Sirota mentioned that Lieberman showed up on Pat ["I sure do hate a lot of people"] Robertson's "700 Club" (or whatever the hell it's called) and they had themselves a little love-in.

Supposedly Lieberman doesn't have to account for such asinine behaviour, but Lamont has to go out and express contrition for the ravings of anonymous posters on blogs.

Yeah, well, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Is KKKate really just a channel for Michelle Malkin? I mean, this is ridiculous. I saw that Opinion Journal article and various trashings of it during the day (I mean, those are statements from anonymous commenters) and mostly I couldn't care less. It's meaningless for Canadian politics and public discourse.

God, she's silly. She should go back to featuring the "good news" about Iraq.

Anonymous said...

And from Kate McMillan's blog, a bigoted rant:

I have been informed via other Internet bloggers that the publisher of the Western Standard, Ezra Levant, is Jewish. I have also been told that one of the lead editors of the original publisher of the cartoons in Denmark is also Jewish. The Jews are hardly neutral bystanders in all of this, and as Jews they should clearly state their bias.

I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the fact that most of Canada's media is now owned by Jews, and if they do not own our media, then it is owned by French people. This even includes the CBC, whose head is Jewish, and the CRTC, which is apparently also controlled by a Jewish person. Heck, even the publisher of the Toronto Star is a Montreal Jew.

*tsk tsk* I would hate to think Kate McMillan would actually condone such virulent anti-semitism. So much for rightwing tolerance.

riley dog said...

I look forward to the coming year when all that they support goes down in flames...the war in Iraq, the CPC, Israel will lose this war, Afghan will be a cluster fuck and the rethugs will lose the House and Senate.

Rev.Paperboy said...

Watching the TV coverage of Joe Lieberman's political demise, and reading KKKate and the WSJ, I am remind of the scene in Life of Brian when the radicals are discussing the Romans:

"So aside from his failure to work for his consistuents, his disloyalty to the Democrats, his moral scolding and his blind support for the war and the fact that George W. Bush kissed him on the lips, What have you got against Joe Lieberman? Are you anti-Semetic?"