Monday, August 07, 2006

An uncontrolled ragegasm is a fearsome thing.

If you get there quickly enough, you'll see the fury and splendor of a Michelle Malkin ragegasm in full bloom, as she goes absolutely batshit crazy over the recent, thoroughly-discredited photoshopping of Beirut.

But hark ... something about all of this seems disturbingly familiar. Why, yes ... yes, it is, since GOP senator Mike DeWine (R - Lying Hack) was recently caught (oh, the delicious irony) adding fake smoke to the World Trade Center Towers in his campaign material (scroll to almost the bottom).

Man, I'll bet Michelle was just pissed about that, you bet. Right, Michelle?



Anonymous said...

Of course…other than the fact that one is a politician’s campaign advertisement and the other purports to be factual reportage from an allegedly independent news organization, they are exactly the same.

Saskboy said...

Yeah, we KNOW that politicans can't help but fabricate things.