Thursday, August 10, 2006

"The Angry, Angry Left."

Reportedly by following a link from a comment she left on Liberal Catnip's site, regular reader Procrastinatrix had a reader from Small Dead Animals pop by this post of hers, in which Procrastinatrix is talking about her 19-month-old nephew going in for cancer surgery, whereupon said visitor left the following delightful bit of moral support and compassionate conservatism (which I quote in full):

hope the little fucker dies

But don't sweat it, Stephen. After all, it would be ever so tacky and classless to issue a "blanket condemnation of the entire right-wing blogosphere for the fringe opinion of one sole member." Or one of its commenters.

On the other hand, Steve, this thing with Small Dead Animals and publicly wanting people dead -- you might want to nip that in the bud. Advertisers might start getting a bit squeamish being associated with that sort of thing. It's just bad for business, know what I mean?


Anonymous said...


Your thoughts appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Just because something (public death threat "jokes") works for Ann Coulter doesn't mean it works for everyone.

Scotian said...

How.....charming of that "person". This is exactly the sort of thing that troubles me within the online Conservative community, there is far, far FAR too much tolerance for this sort of language when aimed at those they dislike/disagree with. This ability to claim that it is the left/L(l)iberals/progressives that are the ones filled with hate and violence when repeated examples of this can be found either from prominent Conservative bloggers and/or tolerated in the comments within those blogger's comment section is very offensive. I have been told by more than a few Conservatives online that I am way deluded about my concerns about the intolerances I see within the Conservative movement in this country and the willingness to express such in very stark and violent manners. Including as you have again demonstrated death threats against the families of those bloggers they disagree with, in this case a sick 19 months old child, supposedly someone the Conservatives would say is an innocent.

This willingness to tolerate these expressions of violence and hatred is the very danger the CPC and the online Conservative movement must deal with within itself before I can ever support this party/movement. While I am well aware that many Conservative voters are not like this and that not all Conservative bloggers are there is unfortunately a significant chunk that are and their power is enough that instead of being expelled and marginalized they are accepted and indeed courted to some extent. When the fringe stops becoming something you keep at arms length and instead welcome it inside your fold then to me you become a real threat to the Canadian way of life. This is independent of ideology or whatever other cause it is in the name of. This is something more basic to human nature than things like ideology.

It was this element in Reform and carried over into the CA especially with Day at the helm and now Harper's CPC that placed me in such vigourous opposition to them and their aspirations of governing this country, especially with a majority. My problem is not so much of policies as it is of fundamental attitudes and willingness to use tools I find unacceptable, from the noble lie and the elitism of Straussian beliefs which permeate this leadership to the willingness to tolerate and even embrace such anger/hatred and intolerance in the pursuit of that power. The fact that you are willing to spend as much time in finding and reporting examples of this in action CC is why I come here more than any other issue/topic.

catnip said...

Well, we already knew they were hypocrites to begin with but when they post such obviously vile thoughts as they did on her blog about her poor little nephew, they move into the realm of madness.

I know she contacted her ISP. I hope they contacted the police.

Anonymous said...

This is outrageous! I cannot believe that any healthy, sane person could wish a baby would expire. Even I, in my chronic depressive state would take my own life before I would wish harm on an innocent, particularly a baby. Whoever Anonymous is (note he doesn't have the courage to even take a moniker, and he's not too bright about the internet either) he's not a sane healthy person. I believe the term is sociopath, or perhaps psychopath. Interesting that these type of folks seem attracted to the ultra conservative, nay ultra facist way of life. Ted Bundy was a Republican. SDA actively promotes this kind of activity, by not being responsible. Wonder why?

Lanny said...

Okay... I am absolutely against the whole left ideology. Personally I think the ideology is idiotic. I could further that with saying I think the ideology is extremely cruel to humanity.

That said, it is beyond horrible that anyone could post something like that. That person is a monster regardless of their ideology.

THAT said, supposedly this was a reader at SDA. Although the site attracts a large number of conservatives, you will find it also attracts a large number of left wing readers as well. As well, the link came from a "left" website. There is evil out there but be careful with your generalizations.

Another comment: the right tends to think of the left as misguided; the left thinks of the right as evil. I believe Right and Left can both have good intentions and good hearts but have an entirely different idea of how to do good. I could go on but I think it is quite an assumption that this is a conservative. Regardless of who it is, they are severely disturbed.

From a conservative reader, Lanny

Anonymous said...

"Okay... I am absolutely against the whole left ideology. Personally I think the ideology is idiotic. I could further that with saying I think the ideology is extremely cruel to humanity."

Lanny, To what "Ideology" do you refer? Seems to be a rather all-encompassing blanket condemnation, which totally negates your supposition that the person making the disgusting ugly statement about a child could be someone from the left.

CC said...

lanny writes:

"Okay... I am absolutely against the whole left ideology."

OK, fine, and this is related to wishing death on an infant how exactly?

"Personally I think the ideology is idiotic."

Yes, we've established that ... still waiting for that logical connection to the topic at hand.

"I could further that with saying I
think the ideology is extremely cruel to humanity.

Still waiting ...

"That said, it is beyond horrible that anyone could post something like that."

Ah, there we go -- finally getting around to the condemnation but not without indulging in some massive, wide-sweeping ideological bashing first.

Nice to see where your priorities lie. It's been fun. Drop by anytime.

M@ said...

"I could further that with saying I
think the ideology is extremely cruel to humanity."

Well duh. That goes without saying.

So who wants Fidel dead here? Show of hands? How about bombing some innocent civilians in case they're terrorists?


the right tends to think of the left as misguided; the left thinks of the right as evil.

I think of you as an idiot. Where does that put me in your spectrum?

MgS said...

In fairness to the B/Ts - it is an anonymous comment on Procrastinix' blog, and we don't really have any evidence that the author "hangs out" in BT land...

Having said that, I do tire of the constant "the left hates" routine coming out SDAland...

Rosie said...

Thanks for your support for my nephew everyone,

While I did not suggest that this commenter was BT, I can be pretty sure it was an SDA reader as Catnip's blog usually only gets so much hate mail when a conservative blog links to her, which SDA did that day and lo-and behold all the hate mail. And while the link to my blog came from catnips, her normal readers generally do not leave vile messages on my postings, which are rarely political-at least from the left-right perspective.

Calling Lanny an idiot is not going to solve anything, and I can assure you, she is one of the smartest ladies I know. However Lanny, your statement that the right thinks of the left as misguided while the left thinks of the right as evil is completely wrong. The right thinks of the left as crazy, angry, unhinged, hateful and apparrently idiotic as a general rule. You only have to read a few posts at SDA to see that.

Leftist ideology is the reason my brother's child is getting surgery at all and why his company is allowing him the time off to be with his sick child. He doesn't have extra health insurance and sure as hell wouldn't be able to pay the medical bills. Now because of leftist ideology, he doesn't have to declare bankruptcy or become homeless. So tell me how this ideology is idiotic?

CC said...


Just to be clear, I never suggested that the commenter in question was a member of the Blogging Tories.

However, the blog "Small Dead Animals" is a member, and the circumstantial evidence is fairly solid that that commenter wandered over from the discussion at SDA via Liberal Catnip.

This is relevant because this sort of hateful bile is pretty much par for the course over at SDA, in which any critics are typically tarred as being unpatriotic, treasonous, ignorant, leftist commie symps who would be better off dead.

And this sort of thing most certainly reflects on the Blogging Tories in general, since that group seems to be wholly uninterested in policing itself and weeding out the genocidal lunatics (Hi, Kate!) from its ranks.

A depressing number of the BTs just adore dismissing entire ideological demographics as the "Michael Moore Left," and such rot, but don't think they have any responsibility to clean up their own act.

I'll have more to say about this later.

M@ said...

I realise that calling Lanny an idiot won't solve anything, but that doesn't make her any less an idiot. If someone is going to dismiss an entire side of the political spectrum as an idiotic ideology, then they've pretty much opened themselves up to others' judgements.

Then again, here are some choice samples from today's post at Lanny's blog:

4 out of 5 Canadians must be idiots.

...if you are reading this with an alternate position, don't bother - you are one of the 4 idiots.

I don't like people that are too judgemental.

I assure you those statements seem no less idiotic in context.

CC said...

P. writes:

"Calling Lanny an idiot is not going to solve anything, and I can assure you, she is one of the smartest ladies I know."

Sorry, but she's an idiot. Just accept it. No one with any intelligence would have written anything that mind-numbingly stupid.

michie said...

I refuse to get into the Left vs Right thing. Please do not categorize me or throw mean words at me for what I'm about to say, just because I agree with some of the things she says.

Lanny is no idiot. She makes some very insightful observations. She may use strong language to get her point across, but she is no idiot.

I agree with Lanny that we cannot assume ANYTHING about this person that posted on Rose's blog, except that they are severely disturbed. This is the ONLY proof we have from the few hateful words they left on Rose's post.

M@ said...

michie: if Lanny's going to throw the word "idiot" around with such abandon -- let's not forget that she called 80% of Canadians idiots in a recent blog post -- then she and all her friends are going to have to live with people calling her an idiot (and worse) right back.

Especially when the evidence overwhelmingly points to her being, well, rather an idiot. It has nothing to do with right or left, and everything to do with saying things that aren't tragically ignorant or irrational.

Alison said...
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Alison said...

I just started to post a number of Lannie quotes up here and then thought better of it and deleted them. Suffice it to say there are way too many unquestioned links to Kate and Michelle Malkin and Western Standard over there.

Lanny said...

LOL... I really don't mind each of you calling me an idiot. It's the nature of free speech... something we wouldn't have if your mindsets ran the country.

As to Procrastinatrix... thanks for trying to stand up for me but I am fine with people out there disagreeing with me. My well-being is not impacted by commenters on the internet. Also, smart really depends on the minute with me and I am the first to acknowlege it. There you all go... more ammunition. Just so you know Procrastinatrix... Cancer treatments were free before the elitist Tommy Douglas brought in the tyrannical medicare system. Regardless, I am so happy the system has worked for Drakey! :)

As for SDA, SDA has thousands and thousands of readers from all over the world with different political leanings... just read the comments. Not sure how you can blame the blog owner for who peruses their blogs. If this was the case, Canadian Cynic would be to blame for my being here today. According to you, I am an idiot. I am on Canadian Cynic's site so CC, you must be an idiot too! LOL.

Finally, I agree with Michie.. idiocy and cruelty in this case is non-partisan. As far as left and right go, however, I only consider myself on the "right" and "conservative" because throughout the years, I have completely disagreed with the left.

So have at it...sticks and stones will break my bones but names shall be a badge of honor. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I am the mother of the little boy that you hope dies... honestly you make me sick. I cannot even imagine how hollow and shallow you must feel. You aren't worth another ounce of my time.. but I'm sure I would like to thank the people that stood up for us and