Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dear "Bub": Buh-bye.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner in our latest "How quickly can I get myself banned from CC's blog for being a jackass" contest sweepstakes, with commenter "Bub" here trouncing all other contestants soundly.

Bub left several other similarly-inane comments sprinkled around the blog but, no fear, I've gone around and deleted them so you don't have to worry about stepping in them. No, no, don't thank me. I do it for the children.


Amateur said...

CC, I like this blog, and I am on your side — but you are really, really quick with that trigger finger. I know, you always use the "get your own blog" routine but really … good blogs are interactive, you know?

CC said...

Dude, you didn't get a chance to see the other six comments he left.