Thursday, June 01, 2006

Again with the uniforms.

I swear, trying to educate a Blogging Tory is like teaching a pig to sing -- it's a waste of time, and it annoys the pig.

Over here, we have The Strong Conservative, blogging merrily away about the Geneva Conventions without having actually, you know, read them or anything:

Beyond that, do we really need to go over the stupid Geneva Convention again? Honestly, any basic research shows that it only applies to uniformed troops who do not mix in with civilians, the exact thing that the Taliban and Al Qaida do.

In a laudable gesture that is almost certainly futile, commenter Lord Kitchener's Own correctly points out Article 4 of the Conventions, just as I did back here when I referred readers to this article at Media Matters.

So the only remaining question is, how many more Blogging Tories are going to repeat this idiocy? Perhaps we should start a pool.


Strong Conservative said...

Before you jump to assumptions, I have a law degree and earned a concentration in international law. I've read the Geneva Conventions more than I would have enjoyed to.
I'd love to hear your credentials... but I doubt i will.

Nevertheless, thanks for reading my posts, maybe one day you'll realize I'm right. ;)

CC said...

Ah, that would be the logical fallacy argumentum ad verecundiam, boys and girls. Just so you can spot it the next time it rolls around.

Mike said...

Jesus, strong, then you aren't a very good lawyer.