Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Who's a hack? Instapundit's a hack, that's who!

Oh, yes, it's always great fun when big-name right-wing bloggers get hung out to dry.


Jay McHue said...

It's not as much fun as when some worthless, snivelling little lefty blogger mistakes Instapundit as a "right-wing blogger."CC's plan of action:
Step 1 - Open mouth
Step 2 - Insert foot
Step 3 - Repeat ad infinitum

Oh, please do delete this post in a weak attempt to save yourself from embarassment, CC. It's what we've come to expect of lefty bloggers. (DailyKos couldn't handle the embarassment either.)

Jay McHue said...
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CC said...

Heh heh.

"It's not as much fun as when some worthless, snivelling little lefty blogger mistakes Instapundit as a "right-wing blogger."

Hmmm ... and let's follow Mr. McHue's allegedly devastating link of rebuttal and refutation, where we read, in Instapundit's very own words:

"Abortion and cloning. Two reasons why I'm not a Republican."

And if I'd claimed that Instapundit was a "Republican" instead of just claiming that he was "right wing," well, gosh, I guess I'd be embarrassed, instead of just feeling smugly intellectually superior to another conservative wingnut.

Yes, I know it's not polite to make fun of the mentally handicapped. So sue me.

CC said...

By the way, as an abject lesson to Mr. McHue in how to do actual research, let me recommend this link which is probably the sweetest summary I've read of the unspeakable horror that is Instapundit. It opens with:

" I can't read all the rightwing blogs out there (Oy!) so I cruise over to Instapundit on occasion ..."

Whoops, someone else who thinks Reynolds leans just a smidge to the right. Gosh, I'm not alone. Who'd a thunk it?

But just read the entire piece. You'll never see Reynolds again in quite the same light.

Glenn Reynolds. Instawanker.

Jay McHue said...

ROFLMAO!!! Oh, right. Nice weaseling. "I didn't say he was a Republican!" Please... GR is a middle-of-the-roader who leans as much to the right as he does to the left. He just doesn't do it at the same time. The only reason you see him as a right-winger is because you're so far to the left that you've fallen and can't get up.