Friday, March 11, 2005

Uh ... so what do you REALLY know about biological evolution? Yeah, I thought so.

Eventually, I'm going to get back to my series on ID/evolution, but here's a short piece to give you something devious to work on in the meantime.

When your local school board starts yapping about there possibly being something to this Intelligent Design stuff, and academic fairness being a good thing, and presenting "both sides", and evolution being "only a theory", go to the next open meeting of the board. And take a test with you.

I'm serious. Give the local media some advance warning and tell them you're taking along a short exam on biological evolution -- perhaps junior high school level, to give them a fighting chance -- and you're going to challenge the board members to take it, with the results to be made public afterwards.

After all, if one is going to pass judgment on evolution, one should at least be prepared to demonstrate some competency with the subject, no? This will make the local paper. Trust me on this one, there's nothing news people love more than pompous, pseudo-intellectual windbags embarrassing themselves in public. And you know that's what's going to happen.

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