Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Reminiscing ...

Does anyone else remember the halcyon days of 2003, when the Iraqi invasion was going to be financed out of petty cash? And when it didn't quite turn out that way, well, it was
down the memory hole for the inconvenient details:

It's not quite Soviet-style airbrushing, but the Bush administration has been using cyberspace to make some of its own cosmetic touch-ups to history.

White House officials were steamed when Andrew S. Natsios, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, said earlier this year that U.S. taxpayers would not have to pay more than $1.7 billion to reconstruct Iraq -- which turned out to be a gross understatement of the tens of billions of dollars the government now expects to spend.

Recently, however, the government has purged the offending comments by Natsios from the agency's Web site. The transcript, and links to it, have vanished...

Read more of the entertaining details here. To paraphrase an old saying, being Republican means never having to say you're sorry. Or wrong.

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