Saturday, March 12, 2005

OK, pretty sure not what he had in mind.

Then (1999):

"I'm a uniter, not a divider." -- George Bush

Much more recently (2004):

The Washington Post has reported that Hezbollah and al-Qaeda are now training together for the first time.

Mission accomplished, I guess.

And there's some terrific entertainment value in the first few paragraphs of that first link:

I like George Bush. He has a strong set of core convictions, including a significant religious faith, but he is also genuinely tolerant, open and warm-hearted toward people with whom he disagrees.

He has made, for example, the strongest statements of any Republican candidate about including homosexuals in the American family, and treating them with Christian charity and civic respect. "I was taught," he said in response to Trent Lott's infamous remarks, "that we should look after the beam in our own eye before searching for the mote in someone else's."

Bush has the charisma of a national leader, but a personal style that is both down-home and down-to-earth. He is relaxed and disciplined at the same time, a Republican who seems comfortable in his own skin.

Excuse me? And who was the author of this piece of sheer fantasy? David Horowitz. Horowitz ... Horowitz ... oh, right ... that David Horowitz.

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