Monday, March 07, 2005

Oh, dear ... here we go with that "sovereignty" thing again.

From a front-page article in today's National Post, we have (mercifully) outgoing U.S. ambassador to Canada Paul Cellucci, really starting to grate on one's nerves:

Mr. Cellucci said yesterday the United States believes the Martin government has given up some of Canada's sovereignty by turning its back on joining the missile defence plan.

It's not clear whether Cellucci is simply trying to be provocative or is really that unspeakably dense but making snide comments about a country's sovereignty is overstepping the bounds of pretty much anyone's diplomatic limits.

It might be time for someone in Ottawa to make a polite call to someone in D.C. suggesting that, the next time an American diplomat starts making threatening noises about Canada's sovereignty, said diplomat will be placed on the next flight home until they learn how to act like a grown-up.

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