Sunday, March 06, 2005

NEWS FLASH: United States not a theocracy after all! Shocking details at 11!

Oh, man, this is priceless. "
Christian lawyers say bill, Bible don't mesh":

A national group of Christian lawyers is appealing to church leaders to join them in lobbying against the bankruptcy reform bill introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Ia.

The lawyers say the legislation runs contrary to the forgiveness of debt and charity required by the Bible.

"As Christian attorneys, we strongly believe that it was never God's intention to create a society where indebtedness was a crime or a badge of dishonor," Christian members of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys wrote in a letter sent Feb. 26 to hundreds of church leaders across the nation.

The bill, which is receiving Senate debate, would make it harder for most people to receive full debt cancellation under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy laws. More people would have to repay at least part of their debt, based on income.

The lawyers note that in the Old Testament, God did not outlaw borrowing and lending, but provided that loans would become discharged every seven years.

So far, so good, but here's the howler:

In response, Grassley said Congress could not be bound by biblical mandates because "the Constitution does not provide for a theocracy."

Wow! The Constitution does not provide for a theocracy? Who knew? I'll bet that comes as a huge surprise to this guy. But Grassley isn't done yet:

"I can't listen to Christian lawyers because I would be imposing the Bible on a diverse population," Grassley said.

Yeah, and imposing the Bible on a diverse population -- that would be awful. What kind of complete wingnut would want to do something like that?

It's a good thing we have upstanding, responsible Republicans like Grassley to set everyone straight. Otherwise, who knows what kind of mischief these religious loons would get into?

Man, that was a close one.

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