Wednesday, March 16, 2005

How to tell when you've hit the big time.

On the internets, you know you've arrived when you've acquired your first creepy, dingbat, conservative stalker. According to a note via my spiffy, new private yahoo email (which is already starting to pay dividends), it appears that our dear friend and young, black, male Republican (yeah, it kills me whenever I think of it, too) "Dizzy Gillespie" has been living vicariously through yours truly by leaving snarky comments about moi on other sites.

Over here, as a followup to a piece entitled "The Pursuit of Ideas," which you'd swear has nothing to do with me ('cuz, like, it doesn't), we have Gillespie leaving a completely paralogical comment:

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the liberal Canadian Cynic, but I just caught him defending a Klan member.

Check out my blog for details...I can't stop laughing at him.

Hoo boy, that Dizzy. What a card. And it's not like he can resist doing it again here, as he follows up on a piece about Howard Dean, apparently incapable of even changing the words very much:

I'm not sure if any of y'al are familiar with Canadian Cynic, our local moonbat liberal, but I just caught him defending a klan member.

It's pretty hilarious, check my blog for details.

You know, it really is kind of pathetic to watch a grown man surfing the web, leaving logically-disconnected comments, begging people to read his blog. You're not quite sure whether to be annoyed with the guy or to just feel sorry for him. I pick "sorry", but I'm open to being persuaded otherwise.

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